Morome Dohi Jai Song Lyrics

Morome Dohi Jai Song Lyrics

Morome Dohi Jai Song Lyrics. Nilakshi Neog sang the new song's lyrics, "Morome Dohi Jai," while Sameer Shekhar wrote the song's Assamese lyrics. Pranoy Dutta provided the music, mixing, and mastering. Nitupam Dihingia and Nilakshi Neog are featured in the Morome Dohi Jai video.

Morome Dohi Jai Song Details:

Song: Morome Dohi Jai 

Singer: Nilakshi Neog 

Musician: Pranoy Dutta 

Written by: Sameer Shekhar

Featuring: Nitupam Dihingia , Nilakshi Neog 

Morome Dohi Jai Song Lyrics

Sokuwe sokuwe
Kinu kotha pate
Bukuwe bukuwe
Buji nupuwake

Sokuwe sokuwe
Kinu kotha pate
Bukuwe bukuwe
Buji nupuwake

Oho ekhoni xridoy
Tumi aru moi
Vabonate uti vaahi

Boi… jai jai mur bukute
Jen morome dohi jai
Haire hai moi boliya hom
Tumake nu sai sai

Jai jai mur bukute
Jen morome dohi jai
Haire hai moi boliya hom
Tumake nu sai sai

Nupure runjun
Bajise gungun
Tumi polax mur
Moiu fagun hai

Rupote na-jun
Kolijare xun
Tumi uxaah mur
Jiya hopun

Laaje laaje ahi rolu kakhorote
Khuje khuje tumare hoi ekebare
Mone mone buku kope hepahote
Ghone ghone bahe morom nojonake

Oho ekhoni xridoy
Tumi aru moi
Vabonate uti vaahi

Boi… jai jai mur bukute
Jen morome dohi jai
Haire hai moi boliya hom
Tumake nu sai sai

Jai jai mur bukute
Jen morome dohi jai
Haire hai moi boliya hom
Tumake nu sai sai

Watch Morome Dohi Jai Music Video on YouTube

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