Ko Song Lyrics

Ko Song Lyrics

Ko Song Lyrics. Achurjya Borpatra sang Ko's lyrics, while Sunit Gogoi wrote the lyrics for this new Assamese song. Bijoy Sankar did the music, and Diganta Bordoloi did the mixing.

Song: Ko!
Singer: Achurjya Borpatra
Lyrics: Sunit Gogoi
Composer: Bijoy Sankar
Music: Bijoy Sankar
Backing Vocal: Ridipta Sharma
Guitar: Ishanu Sharma

Ko Song Lyrics

ko naa…
toi vabo niki anole jao jodi
hahitiye nibo taani
ko naa toi lage jodi akaxor tora duti
pari dim tuke ani
uvoti saute toihe toi a mathu
kheli meli xokolu
kaxe sapi goleu kiba lage dekhu
tuk kobo aku nuaru
aa kole jau ki koru kote xumai moru
atia ki koru ko!
aa moi he janu tuke moi kote rakhu
toi najano tuke loi ki ki vabu
ane tu koboii
bohuteii tuk u muk u
mani lobi janu toi mudi soku
koi koi koi koi adhate roi jua
kotha bur kun dia kom
thoi thoi thoi thoi bukute nujura
morom tur kolizate thom
kole jau ki koru kote xumai moru
atia ki koru ko!

ko naa
toi vabo niki anole jao jodi
hahitiye nibo taani
ko naa toi lage jodi akaxor tora duti
pari dim tuke ani
uvoti saute toihe toi a mathu
kheli meli xokolu
kaxe sapi goleu kiba lage dekhu
tuk kobo aku nuaru
aa… kole jau ki koru kote xumai moru
atia ki koru ko!

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