Shockwave Song Lyrics by Marshmello

Shockwave Song Lyrics by Marshmello

Shockwave Song Lyrics
by Marshmello. If you're a fan of electronic dance music, then you've probably heard of Marshmello. He's one of the most popular DJs in the world, and his track Shockwave is one of the most exciting songs out there. It's got a great beat that will get you moving, and it's sure to get your heart racing.

Shockwave Song Details

Artist: Marshmello

Released: 2021

Album: Shockwave

Genre: Dance/Electronic

Shockwave Song Lyrics

Always think about you
Always thought I have a life I could grow with you
As time fades, crazy how our lifes changed
Feeling like a shockwave without you

Always think about you
Always thought I have a life I could grow with you
As time fades, crazy how our lifes changed
Feeling like a shockwave without you

Always think about you
Always thought I have a life I could grow with you
But as time fades, crazy how our lifes changed
Feeling like a shockwave without you

Feeling like a shockwave, shockwave, shockwave, shockwave, shockwave, shockwave, shockwave, shockwave, shockwave

Feeling like this shockwave
Get out of this shockwave

Shockwave without you
Shockwave without you

Always think about you
Always thought I have a life I could grow with you
As time fades, crazy how our lifes changed
Feeling like a shockwave without you

Always think about you
Always thought I have a life I could grow with you
But as time fades, crazy how our lifes changed
Feeling like a shockwave without you

Always think about you
Always thought I have a life I could grow with you
But as time fades, crazy how our lifes changed
Feeling like a shockwave without you

Feeling like a shockwave, shockwave, shockwave, shockwave, shockwave, shockwave, shockwave, shockwave, shockwave

Feeling like this shockwave
Get out of this shockwave

Watch Shockwave Music Video on Youtube

Written by: Marshmello

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