Tumi Tumi Song Lyrics

Tumi Tumi Song Lyrics

Tumi Tumi Song Lyrics. Tumi Tumi Lyrics by Achurjya Borpatra is a beautiful Assamese song, with music by Achurjya Borpatra as well. Achurjya Borpatra wrote the words to the song Tumi Tumi.

Song: Tumi Tumi 
Singers: Achurjya Borpatra 
Musician: Achurjya Borpatra 
Written by: Achurjya Borpatra

Tumi Tumi Song Lyrics

Tumi tumi tumi loga protitu abeli

Tumi tumi tumi loga protitu dhemali

Buja nubuja eti premore ragini

Hadhu hadhu hadhu loga proti kahini

Xur tumi aakakhor

Xur tumi hepahor

Xur jajabori jibonor

Aakakh rangoli henguli aabeli

Lahe lahe bahe ai proloy

Tumi tumi tumi loga protitu abeli

Tumi tumi tumi loga protitu dhemali

Buja nubuja eti premore ragini

Hadhu hadhu hadhu loga proti kahini

Rodali aahe tumare babe

Xukula meghor kotha kobole

Sandhiya naame tumar babe

Henguli aakakhor botora dibole

Haboti rakhisu hridoyor himonat

Tumar olekh morom

Faguni botahe kane kane hudhe

Bawli ai kar morom

Xur tumi aakakhor

Xur tumi hepahor

Xur jajabori jibonor

Aakakh rangoli henguli aabeli

Lahe lahe bahe ai proloy

Tumi tumi tumi loga protitu abeli

Tumi tumi tumi loga protitu dhemali

Buja nubuja eti premore ragini

Hadhu hadhu hadhu loga proti dhemali

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